Smarter. Faster. Better.
Make your website faster with our performance tuning services. No one likes to be left hanging. 2 seconds can feel like an age and every study suggests the same results; we’re an impatient lot. So faster is better. As a result our favourite web search tools also weight their indexes in favour of faster sites – if you want to be on the first page of Google or Bing results your website needs to perform fast, at least according to them*!

Our team of experts love a challenge, especially one with a very clear metric to beat and our Website Performance Services are built around your real world requirements. With many decades of experience between us we know how to make your website faster, doing the most with what you already have. Often our initial investigation nets quick wins, highlighting configuration issues that are readily resolved.
We play nicely with others too, whether it’s your internal marketing team, developers or 3rd party SEO consultants and find a collaborative approach gets the best results.
* there can be a discrepancy between the search giants experience and the user experience although it’s a moot point: if they don’t think you’re fast, you won’t get indexed higher than a site that they think is.
2 seconds is the threshold for ecommerce website acceptability. At Google, we aim for under a half second.
“From the millions of tests performed using our website speed tests, we found that the average load time for a webpage is 3.21 seconds… What we found was that, unsurprisingly, a page’s load time directly impacts bounce rate… As soon as the pages load time surpasses 3 seconds the bounce rate sours, to 38% by the time it hits 5 seconds!”