Welcome to the Blue Sky Hosting May newsletter – Blue Sky Thinks

Here are the latest articles getting us talking at Blue Sky this month, as we are getting inundated with GDPR e-mails we only give it one mention! Get in touch if you’d like to discuss any of the articles with us!

Has everyone had enough of GDPR emails yet? Great video from Email Blaster explaining why you don’t always need to ask customer’s to opt-in to your marketing emails https://www.emailblasteruk.com/video/gdpr-do-you-have-to-ask-all-of-your-contact-to-re-subscribe/bcPw16M4OJk

Cyber Essentials We can help you extend your data and privacy naval gazing into a certification that matters: https://www.bluesky.co.uk/cyber-essentials/

Windows 10 April update We had some fun and games here this month as two of our laptops died after installing the new Windows 10 update https://www.techradar.com/news/new-patch-for-windows-10-april-2018-update-appears-to-break-some-pcs, luckily there are already some articles on how to fix the problem! https://www.techradar.com/how-to/windows-10-april-2018-update-problems-how-to-fix-them

Mirai botnet targets IoT devices In security news another variant of the Mirai botnet has been discovered that targets IoT devices (including some routers), the best form of prevention is updating those devices as regularly as possible https://www.zdnet.com/article/mirai-botnet-adds-three-new-attacks-to-target-iot-devices/

Is it time to change the way we keep data centers cool? Liquid immersion cooling seems to be more cost effective to install and more environmentally friendly, this article talks through the benefits and mentions some companies at the forefront of integrating this technology https://www.dailyhostnews.com/why-immersion-cooling-is-imminent-to-power-the-next-generation-datacenters/

Disaster recovery plans are essential A 2 minute read about the importance of a disaster recovery plan from Blue Sky’s Stephen Weaver https://www.bluesky.co.uk/is-your-backup-a-disaster-waiting-to-happen/

Predicting the Future Who better to ask what the future holds than Bill Gates and Ray Kurzweil, some very interesting predictions here https://www.intelligenthq.com/innovation-management/predictions-for-our-future/

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