Blue Sky Thinks: December Newsletter.

With Christmas almost upon us and an action packed decade passing we reflect on spilt beer, fast cars, atoms and a nomad. It must be December’s Blue Sky Thinks.

HCL Domino V11

We’ve hit the ground running making use of HCL Nomad to access our databases via our mobiles. And that’s just the start…

(3 minute read)

Atomically Perfect

Simple and effective as a short film but mind blowing when you realise how it’s made! And yes, it’s from 2013 but still amazing.

(2 minute watch)

New Year, New Car?

Short of ideas for Christmas? Here’s one: it’s not exactly a stocking filler though..

(4 minute read)

It’s AlWayS Complicated

A fascinating story as old as civilisation; how the powerful interact with the weak. Do Amazon strip mine Open Source solutions? Is it a deliberate strategy or an unintended consequence?

(15 minute read)


If you’re not paying, you’re the product. Google collects data on 80% of web traffic measured!!

(5 minutes)

Get Better Cyber Security

The National Cyber Security Centre know a thing or two about security. We can help get you started on your path to improved cyber security today.

(8 minute read)

And Finally…

Vital research has been completed, although we’re with TheRegister on this one – who taps on the side of a can to warn the can pixies?

(2 minute read)

Blue Sky hosting ISO standards
Blue Sky is an IBM Business Partner
Blue Sky hosting ISO standards
HCL Partner
Cyber Essentials